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Register for local and provincial elections, all in one place.

Confirm, update or add your information to the Register for provincial, municipal, district social services administration board and school board elections in Ontario.

Election Announcements

  • Upcoming by-election

    Haldimand County Councillor (Wards 1 & 4) by-election

    Confirm, update or add your information to the Register 

  • Election day is April 10

    City of Kawartha Lakes Councillor (Ward 5) by-election

    Confirm, update or add your information to the Register by February 2

  • Election day is March 3

    Toronto District School Board Trustee (Ward 11) by-election

    Contact the City of Toronto for information on how to register

Register of Voters

Information on how to register to vote in provincial, municipal, DSSAB and school board elections in Ontario.

Register of Absentee Voters

Information if you are temporarily living outside of Ontario and intend to return. 

Register of Future Voters

Registration information for eligible 16- or 17-year-olds in Ontario.